Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008


The Meaning of Love
What the meaning of love...
Many people said love is appointment of two hearth between a man and a woman which loves…..
If someone look a meaning of love only until there, then he not understand what the meaning and affect of unmitigated of love.
Of lingual meaning facet, love is like, favor, love, and willing do anything for which loved.
As human, we assumption which loved is darling. But if we want to critical thing, that assumption is the big wrongly, no human worthy in the world. except Allah, king of all the king.
Only Allah seemly for loved with as big as love. Willing death for upholding Allah religion,and bargain for bless of god in all we doing.
You can thing how big love Allah to us, how big the relish from Allah to us which give us a brain for thing and doing anything, activity and more relish innumerable of amount.
What seemly if we love a human more than we love to Allah? How big lover from your darling to you than love Allah to you? Now
, if you claim has love to Allah, what are you doing ?

Psychology( 2 )

7 Method to emanate the Charisma

Maybe a person can pull attention many people although that person not beautiful, not sexy, not high. Because she have charismatic and every people can exercise for emanate the charisma. The trick consists of :

1. Self Confidence
One of the way for prepare self is not afraid to doing all something. Example Madonna, she often do the bizarre thing but many people always respect him. Prove your self have a thing for prided. With this many people will respect with you.

2. Smart
“It’s foxy to be brainy”. Exploit as useful what do you thing at your marrow. Don’t fear to say what do you want, but don’t overacting and trying descries smarter of everyone, people will look you haughty. once use persiflage in debates. for essential if you have opinion, plump for your opinion with many information, don't said promiscuously.

3. Praise
“Flattery’ll get you anywhere. But sometimes evoked anxiety not of ego satisfying. With satisfactorily your ego passes nice utterance praise, not impossible to be alive to that let fly praise. praise not mean you are a bootlicker and don't go over same praise repeatedly.

4. Brave
someone enjoy that lives without to think up what does others talk about her self will emanate the charisma from her self. some people just can dream without render but she can do what does others always dreamy.

5. Competence
there attractiveness while see a person that do something with it expertise. for example she can converse fluently English language. What ever you astonied with a person while he singing melodiously ? not impossible you can fall in love with him because his experise.

6. Sensual
Although you not sexy, find something can make you be sexy. lift your head , crane neck higher, puff up chest, and smiles heartily. if you can control your self therefore you will gain control all people in your room.

7. Contradiction
atypical thing do by someone, sometimes can make you amazing. if you want to try do it, beginning of now.

Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008


Journey in Goa Kreo

This picture is my photo with my friend when us went journey to Goa Kreo at October 2007. they consist of Dedi , Ariaka , Lestari, Dina and I . they are my friends in campus and one class. that is one of memory with friends when holiday.
Coincidence, we journey at Romadhon month, so here we can’t bought meal and drink, but its no worry for us because we went to refreshing. We departed from Semarang at 11.00 am and arrived here at 02.00 pm. we enjoyed natural beauty until 04.00 p.m. we planned to back to home at 05.00 pm. but one of us friends accident with his motorcycle, so until night we still road to Semarang, when magrib, we stop in dedi’s house and we eat here after one days fasting. After that, my friend which accident cured and we done magrib and isya’ pray. Then I until to my house at 09.00 pm.
It’s a sweet memory with my friends, and we still have many good memory in limoet, boja’s traditional market, ungaran, maron beach, etc. maybe I will posting next time .


I like sport especially racing MotoGP. I marvel with valentino rossi. He is world champion during seven year competition. He is good racer and I want to like him. This is my photo maybe like him.



After you read my posting, maybe you feel bored, then I give you a few humor for refresh your mind. After this I hope you read other posting.

Using a car
A boy named Tito whimper to his father to allowed using a car for bought some book in the shop near his home.
Father : “Tito, god has give two foot for you , what do you can with it?”
Tito : ” my right foot for pressing gas and left foot for pressing coupling ”
Father : “???”.

Brother In law
A couple of married on the road in a village 3 mil so far. During the trip they mutually idles. Because previously they often debate.
While they skip a cow and goat ranch, husband said: “look, many your brother here !!!”
Then wife answer :”oh yes, they are my brother in law”

Damage of smoke
According t statistic, approximately mans age upon 40 years which not smoking having white color hair, but not for mans often sucking smoke. Why?
Because they was death before 40 years

Crazy person
Tono : Tin,,, in the nut house available two patients. The first, he always speak: “ have,,,,have,,,, ” and second patient always speak “ haven’t,,, haven’t ,,,, ”
Are you have hear it story, tin ?
Tini: “ I haven’t”
Tono : ”maybe you are second patient”
Tini : “what????”

Expense of brain transplantation

In a hospital, some people look gathering in the waiting room for wait their family wich sick. Their consist of two man and three woman. Then a doctor came and say : ”only one of choise for he can life with healty, her brain must be transplantation. Maybe a risk but only that‘s way and you must bought the brain by your self because this hospital not provide it”.
Situation be quiet, then one of family ask : ”how money to get it? ”. “for a brain of man is 5000 dollars and for a brain of woman is 2000 dollars”, doctor said. Then situation be funnies, all man laugh because their debasing woman and all woman only can be protests, then the doctor wisely say : “ oh yes, we must esteeming the quality of brain. Usually the brain of a woman more cheap because it often weared and the brain of a man usually more expensive because seldom weared so the condition still empty and natural. Then all woman be laugh and all man be shame.

Minggu, 13 Juli 2008


Life Style
Preparing Self Confidence
Facing All Situation

If you think Self Confidence grow along with age, likely less precise. It is said, only 1 percent who born felt high self confidence, the rest only reliing on to pretend or only behave. true?
When a Moment, you hope can feel self confidence at certain storey level, which can make you readily any situation. At least uncertainty must discard rearward, Its meaning when you feel undoubtless with competence self.
But each and everyone have weakness, May be your presentation is very good, but you feel nervous when will be introduced at the special one.
Possibly, you can be calm when face job interview, but tremble moment prepare party diner to other people.
therapist of self confidence, Roy Leighton was analyze why many people experiences of cycle fluctuate to feel its self confidence. A group of volunteer was analyzed to find what in fact with self confidence, who have it, and how them get it. Leighton sure someone who have feel self confidence study with them parents when them child. Trust Leighton all situation must can be settled. problems arise while you outside from comfortable zone. You feel not surely and your behavior change, as reflection of danger sensibility.
To settle it, you need to transfer self confidence from danger zone to comfortable zone, there is 3 method for show feel self confidence: Spiritually, Physical and Verbal. If you not surely with one choise then other will wretched. So, always control yourself every situation

Selasa, 24 Juni 2008


My Profile

Hi, My name’s Rifky purnama. I was born in Semarang at 31 May 1988. I’m a male, 20 age, 167cm high and 62kg weight. I like a fruit juz and for eaten I like soup. For my hobby, badminton is my activity every week , I like it and can’t leave it. Beside that I like programming computer, internet, chat, and read some book. I like a psychology book and some religious book. Because it can stimulate mind requirement and can be satisfaction of soul.
In my house, I life with my family consist of my father, mother, two brothers and two sisters and a cat.
Since I child, I school in Islamic school when elementary school, middle high school, and senior high school, now I still study in STEKOM. One of computer high school in semarang at night time. I enjoy study in here and I feel get many science useful for me later.
Beside study, I work in one of shop in Semarang Johar market. My job is a shop customer. I work for expense my study in STEKOM. I work since after finish in senior high school at 2005’s year and begin study in campus at 2007’s year. So, if morning I working and after that, I go home and prepare for lecture night time.
If you want to look me, you can see my photo in home page in this blog. Or you can Contact me in this number ( 085865550005 ). In this blog I was posting many photo. I choose English language for my blog because it’s universal language in the world. and many posting in this blog about psychology and love, because I very like psychology and now I falling in love....
Finally, you can see more posting in this blog, I hope this blog can be useful and satisfied. Don’t forget to give assessment in a vote and your commentar. Thanks for your visit.